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Your Czech mountain tailor
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AAWESOME, Maja and Alca. And Faramugo jackets

Vladimír Bureš 12.04.2024

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Aawesome or Alena Mahlejová and Marie Šnajdrová

"Ósm" is an English adjective and means enormous, terrifying, amazing, magnificent, breathtaking, terrifying. Around the world is no small thing. It is a grand and yes, terrifying ...yet breathtaking adventure. Every push of the boundary opens up new possibilities and we want to explore them.

After an unexpected and amazing trip around the world, Maja and Alča set off on another expedition on foot through Patagonia. Through the wilderness of South America, they walked through the high Chilean Andes, hitchhiking on trails that ended in glacial lakes. They climbed over rocks with no roads and crossed rivers with no bridges. And they kept heading south, to the end of the world

4.000 km, 3 months, 2 girls with a ukulele and 1 dream

You can find the books on our e-shop
More about their travels here

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