Your Czech mountain tailor
Your Czech mountain tailor
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Blog content or what you will find here

Blog content or what you will find here

A summary of the articles you can read on our Faramugo blog.

FARAMUGO - Manufacturer of customized outdoor clothing

FARAMUGO - Manufacturer of customized outdoor clothing

Something about us or what is Faramugo?

Facts about membrane clothing

Facts about membrane clothing

Facts and myths. All about membranes in the outdoors

Jacket configurator or enter your colours

Jacket configurator or enter your colours

Build your own Nanomembrane® jacket with a unique design.

Outdoor clothing repairs

Outdoor clothing repairs

In Faramugo we repair outdoor functional membrane clothing. We change zippers, tape up unstitched seams, etc. We also repair other brands.

How to seal seams in membrane clothing

How to seal seams in membrane clothing

Repairing glued seams involves a bit of alchemy...

Outdoor production in the Czechia (advice, opinions, controversies)

Outdoor production in the Czechia (advice, opinions, controversies)

Sometimes it's like a dog eating its own tail.

Naši ambasadoři - Jirka Beran

Naši ambasadoři - Jirka Beran

Lehocyklista Jirka Beran na cestě kolem světa

Naši ambasadoři - paraglidista Radek Klepal

Naši ambasadoři - paraglidista Radek Klepal

Radek létá v oblečení Faramugo

Our Ambassadors - Monica and Javier

Our Ambassadors - Monica and Javier

Monica and Javier, this is exotic Colombia and Ecuador.

Our ambassadors - Míša Sirovátková and Radek Ernest

Our ambassadors - Míša Sirovátková and Radek Ernest

Travellers Míša Sirovátková and Radek Ernest

AAWESOME, Maja and Alca. And Faramugo jackets

AAWESOME, Maja and Alca. And Faramugo jackets

About travelling around the world and around the world

Hydrophobic treatment ensures water repellency

Hydrophobic treatment ensures water repellency

Hydrophobic treatment C0, C6 and C8 ensure water resistance.

All about car mattresses

All about car mattresses

Choosing a mattress for a good night's sleep in the great outdoors? Find advice here.