Your Czech mountain tailor
Your Czech mountain tailor
Česky   polski

FARAMUGO - Manufacturer of customized outdoor clothing

Vladimír Bureš 22.01.2023

We will meet you "outdoorsy" if you want to go to the highest hills on a demanding expedition, on a trek with a tour operator or just to run around the lake and banish yesterday's monkey from your head. We sew cloth not only for hobbies, but also for professional use - for ski resorts, rescuers, polar explorers, policemen.... In Faramug we mainly focus on production from Czech nanomembrane fabric (it is the 21st century after all). Patent from Liberec, production in Svitavy, sewn in Luhačovice.

And why octopus? Because it's here. Also, why not? There are animals and plants in the outdoors. The octopus was loose. And it's also part of nature. And what does Faramugo mean? It's Somali for octopus. Right, right, with two m...

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Do you know what it takes to sew a nanomembrane jacket?

For example, our Anorak 3L model. We actually have to assemble it from 30 pieces of material. There are about 18 suppliers involved. From the manufacturers and importers of haberdashery, zippers, thread, tape... to the manufacturers of the machines needed to assemble it. Otherwise, there are six machines involved in the production of the jacket.

Why do we think we understand what we are doing?

In fact, we can proudly write SINCE 1991. We were already sewing in the 1990s, as DAB. Down clothing and sleeping bags, jackets, paragliding seats. We resumed production in 2014 under the brand name FARAMUGO. Which is Somali for octopus. Why Somali? It's a world language that we can all easily speak (after 10 beers). During that long hiatus we competed in athletics (collection of medals from national championships, including participation in the World Cup in athletics), mountain biking and scooter riding. And climbed and travelled and parachuted and rafted down rivers in Europe and Asia. We have climbed about 120 peaks in the Alps and other mountains above 4,000 m, the north face of the Grandes Jorasses, and numerous expeditions to the Asian highlands with first ascents of the Pamir and Altai mountains (Ak Alacha, Pik Bars).

  • We are enthusiastically using the outdoor equipment ourselves all the time.
  • We have comparisons and experience, we have tested for other manufacturers in the past
  • we are properly educated in the field and employ hardworking people
  • we honestly manufacture in Moravia, in the shadow of the White Carpathians, not the Chinese wall. Every product goes from A to Z through our hands
  • We can adapt to your requirements - sizes, colour combinations, finishes.... We pay attention to product details
  • before we put the product on the market, we dress it ourselves repeatedly. And destroy....
  • Nanomembrane is not a revolution, but an evolution. I mean, a step forward. It excels particularly in vapour permeability. Faramugo is the first in the world to sew with it.
  • We're being planet-friendly. What else can we use, repair, resew.... Not only our own products, for those we offer lifetime service
  • we also sew for PEOPLE, piece by piece, on each of us. And vice versa - we do not sew for PEOPLE, giant series, mass production. No one can be interested in that.....
  • we are open to innovation and your wishes as "your Czech mountain tailor"

    By prioritizing an honest approach to work and life, we offer quality products with affordable service. We don't make as much on a Czech jacket as we do on one made with cheap labour. But on the other hand, we don't have excess inventory from overflowing shipping containers. Sure, quality isn't cheap, we can't compete on price with Asian production. So we are grateful to any decent person interested in our products.

    At Faramugo we are not a fan of seasonal collections. Every season a new model of jacket, bike or skis. That's nonsense. Last year's jacket works just as well as this year's. Sure, progress and innovation... But they don't move at such a fast pace. It's just that nature, the manufacturers (the real ones, not the repackaged "brands") and the store staff are all churning out new collections. We're not playing at it, it's unsustainable in the long run. We prefer functionality in our products, so we want to offer a permanent collection, albeit an updated one.

And where can you find us? Not in the first picture. In the second picture, yes, in the white house. And I'm just gently floating by...

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