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Our Ambassadors - Jirka Beran

Vladimír Bureš 01.10.2023

Jirka Beran and recumbent bike

Hi, I'm Jirka and in May 2022 I set off on a round the world trip. But it's not an ordinary journey, it's a journey on a bike. It's not just any bike, it's a journey on a recumbent bike from the Czech manufacturer AZUB BIKE. I'm going around the world to meet people from all over the world and to show that cultural and social differences are something that should unite us and make us interested in meeting new people and cultures.
I plan to visit at least 150 countries on every continent during my 10-year journey and my main goal is to meet as many people as possible and share their stories with the world.
I have visited dozens of countries in my lifetime and the most beneficial thing for me has always been meeting people from other cultures with whom we could share our different world views and learn from each other.

Won't it be monotonous?

The main theme of my trip is to highlight the uniqueness of each country, its cultures and its people. In each country I will make one comprehensive documentary in which I will choose one or more unique themes. Within the topic I will try to find its origins, historical development, socio-economic impacts on contemporary society and draw general lessons for all of us.
During the journey, I will not only focus on individual countries and their cultures, but I also want to focus on the people themselves. Around the world I plan to film interviews that will have a set of thematic questions that I want to use to highlight what unites us as people and what we can do to enrich each other.
To give you an idea of what it's like to live on the road, sleep in a tent and pack your entire life into four panniers on a bike, I'll be filming "daily" vlogs that document my life on the road in as unedited and raw a form as possible.

And all this in our Faramugo clothes! Follow Jirka at

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