Your Czech mountain tailor
Your Czech mountain tailor
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Our ambassadors - paraglider Radek Klepal

Vladimír Bureš 05.10.2023

Radek Klepal flies on a wing marked Faramugo and wearing our clothes, for example Dalbasho jacket and Talabo trousers or merino Ross shirt.

Paragladist and our ambassador Radek Klepal is already in Canada and ready to fly and fulfill his dreams.

Hi, I'm from a small village near Cologne. If someone had told me before that a simple paper swallow would change my life, I would have thought them crazy. Now I know that even a little thing can do wonders. Every year, we have a pexes match and a long-distance swallow toss. One year I was lucky enough to win first place, which was rewarded with a scenic flight over my village. On this flight I tried piloting an ultralight myself and enjoyed a new perspective of perceiving the space around me. I fell for the freedom. The search began for the ideal flying machine for me. I love to travel, experiencing new places, people and their culture. I chose paragliding for its storage, affordability. Since there is no suitable terrain around my home for free flying, I started thinking about powered paragliding. I attended a paramotor BASIC / SAFE course, under the guidance of Misha Machart, who made me a junior talent in powered paragliding. Now it's almost three years that I've been flying, either around the chimney or on trips to the Alps. For safe piloting, I went to the SIV course, where they do non-standard flight situations, for extra safety over water, with a life jacket and a motorboat in case of a fall into the water.
One of the reasons I chose paragliding was Benjamin Jordan, who inspired me to choose a flying machine by flying across Canada on a Czech paramotor. The next path is clear! I'm going back to where it all started. To Canada! I plan to work here, travel here, and most importantly, fly here. The first destination is Banff National Park. I'm happy to offer you extraordinary views in photos and videos from a 5.7K 360° camera on my adventure in Canada.

All this with Faramuga clothing of course! Departure 1.8.2023!

Radek already has a car for Christmas 2023 and is flying in 2024!

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