Vladimír Bureš 12.04.2024
Míša and Radek are from Jablonec and Prague. We got them for a common cause thanks to the APM shop in Prague. They travel, write and shoot awesome videos. They have more about themselves and their travels on https://backpackyourself.cz/o-nas/.
"Finally we had the opportunity to test the jackets in full glory in rainy and windy Madeira. They even withstood the baptism of a gale that met us in the middle of our journey. We passed waterfalls and climbed mountain peaks. Absolutely great water resistance (if it weren't so waterproof, we might be after cameras) and super durable against the wind (90 Km/h). Lots of people have praised the jackets to us, so we refer you. Because Faramugo sews for people and not for people :). We can't wait to take them out again on our next tour of Albania and Armenia".
Přidejte se k odběratelům a získejte praktické rady a inspirace pro vaše outdoorové aktivity